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The Team

Nebo Restaurant & Lounge - Deni Srdoč team
"We enjoy our job and offer our customers an authentic fine dining experience - with the Mediterranean character that sets us apart.’’
Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa
  • Gabriela Filca

  • Chef De Cuisine
    Gabriela has always been surrounded by healthy, ecologically grown food from her own garden, where it all actually started! From a young age she began to acquire work habits and the process of knowing the food from the planting to the dish on the table. The first cooking experience was with her mother who has taught her all the family roots recipes. In just a few years working with our chef Deni she developed to a position of junior sous chef with her hard work and passion for the food.
  • Tomislav Mikinac

  • Restaurant Manager
    Coming from a gastro family with a long history, Tomislav continued his journey through the secondary catering school in Opatija. After graduation, he spent eight years working at Liburnia Hotels and the renowned restaurant Draga di Lovrana, where chef Deni Srdoč gained his first Michelin star. He is trained and knowledgeable wine professional, with third level certificate at the Croatian Someliere Club, third level of WSET, certified Sake Sommelier and certified ASI Sommelier. Tomislav carries the champion status of Istria & Kvarner 2019 as the youngest winner at the age of 25.

Testament Debit / Marastina 2019

105 EUR

Dvije autohtone domaće vinske sorte Debit i Marastina u omjerima 50/50 koje je odlično ukomponirala vinarija Testament.
Vino je punog tijela, izuzetno kremasto i dugotrajno u ustima. U Magnum boci od 1,5l pokazuje svoju ogroman potencijal koji skrivaju Hrvatske lokalne sorte.

    Nonno 2021

    70 EUR

    Vinarija Rizman jedno od najpoznatijih Dalmatinskih vinarija smještena je u Komarni najmlađem hrvatskom vinogorju. Nonno je Posip koji je odležan godinu dana u hrastovim bačvama. Iznimno elegantno, svježe i ugodno vino.

      Bolfan Riesling
      Primus 2015

      65 EUR

      Bolfan je vinarija koja je smještena u Hrvatskom Zagorju, ovo je po nama najbolji primjerak Hrvaskog rieslinga, koji ima iznimnu kompleksnost, aromatičnost i aromu petroleja.

        Kosutic Skrlet
        Familia 2020

        48 EUR

        Skrlet je sorta u kojoj je izražena svježina i aromatičnost, ovo je malo drugačiji primjerak gdje je vinarija Kosutic odležava Skrlet u hrastovim bačvama i tako uz uobičajne arome Skrleta dobivamo i punoću i eleganciju.

          Kosutic Skrlet
          Familia 2020

          60 EUR

          Galic je jedna od najpopularnijih vinarija u Slavoniji, koja je poznata po odličnom Chardonnayu. Moćan pun i bogat Chardonnay koji će se sigurno svidjeti ljudima koji vole tu sortu.